Today I’m sharing a scrappy Star Pop quilt that I made a few months back. Star Pop was released last fall and this was the first test quilt I sewed up using this new star quilt pattern.
Star Pop is a fun and modern sawtooth star quilt pattern. It’s layer cake or fat quarter friendly. I love when a quilt pattern works with layer cakes or 10 inch squares like this one.
Star Pop is for the ambitious beginner and includes tons of size options from baby size all the way up to king size.
Star Pop is available in the Quilty Love pattern shop.
Fat quarter friendly scrappy star quilt
Star Pop is a really great stash quilt pattern because it requires fat quarters or layer cake squares. I mixed and matched some fat quarters from my stash for this fun fall inspired scrappy star quilt.
I visited a friend in Portland, Oregon recently and we hit up some quilt shops in the area. Most of these fat quarters came from that visit.

Star Pop quilt pattern
Star Pop is a fun and modern scrappy star quilt pattern. Each quarter block uses a different fabric resulting in a fun and scrappy star quilt.
Star Pop comes in tons of sizes from baby size all the way up to king size. The Star Pop quilt pattern includes:
- Baby Size
- Small throw
- Large throw (This scrappy Star Pop quilt is the large throw)
- Twin size bed quilt
- Full size bed quilt
- Queen size bed quilt
- King size bed quilt
Star Pop is a really stash buster quilt pattern since you can mix and match either fat quarters from your stash or layer cake squares from your stash. You could probably even use your scrap stash!

I actually made this scrappy Star Pop quilt from start to finish myself! I used to quilt all of my own quilts using my sewing machine but time has become more limited so I’ve started sending most quilts off to a long arm quilter.
I miss doing the quilting myself though so it’s nice to quilt something here and there.
Quilting yourself means you also have to baste yourself..ha. That’s one step I don’t mind skipping when I send my quilts off to be quilted.
I always spray baste my quilts since I never get good results from pin basting. My go-to spray baste is this 505 spray.
Spray baste video tutorial by Quilty Love
I did some spray basting tutorials a while back for a heart quilt along. I’ll share the videos below. It’s kind of hard to share these since the it’s before or during our home remodel..ha
But spray basting is something some quilters struggle with so I’m happy to share how I do this step of quilting. Like everything else in quilting it takes practice and experience to get better. I rarely have loose fabric or puckers in my quilts these days but that wasn’t the case when I was still learning.
It really is satisfying to complete a quilt yourself. Don’t get me wrong, sending a quilt off to a long arm quilter still feels like magic but the satisfaction of finishing a quilt yourself is so good.
Wavy Stitch quilting on a regular sewing machine
Of course I stuck with my go to quilting stitch on this scrappy Star Pop quilt. This is called a Serpentine stitch and it’s super easy and super forgiving. If your machine has this wavy stitch, it’s a really good beginner friendly option.
You basically are quilting straight lines using a walking foot and the machine stitch makes the waves. Not all machines have this stitch and not all machine handle this stitch well.
I always start on one edge and quilt every other line. Then I go back through and fill in the lines in between. I believe these lines are spaced one inch apart.
I have a full blog post about quilting your own quilts using a very similar stitch here. The technique is the same.
Quilting a quilt with a minky backing
I was nervous to quilt this scrappy Star Pop myself only because it has a minky backing. I’ve never quilted minky myself. But good news..! It worked out the same as a quilting cotton would. I was afraid it would be too slippery but my walking foot handled it just fine.
I wouldn’t hesitate to quilt minky backings again. It didn’t feel any different on my machine. I didn’t do anything different either.

Shannon Cuddle minky backing
Speaking of that minky backing… this is a Shannon Cuddle wide minky fabric. It’s a grey color. I’m not sure the exact color.
I absolutely love using the Shannon wide minky fabrics as quilt backs. Ever since I discovered how warm and snuggly a minky backed quilt is, I use it when ever possible. I always use their 90″ wide fabrics so I don’t have to piece it together.
Ruby Star Society binding
I finished off this scrappy Star Pop quilt with a ruby star society navy speckled binding.
Star fabrics – Peppered Cotton
The star fabric is some leftover Peppered Cotton shot cotton I had in my stash. It’s leftover from some quilting backings. This peppered cotton is a wide back so I get left with a good chunk of it after each quilt that uses it.
This scrappy Star Pop quilt was a good opportunity to use it up.
Scrappy Star Pop Quilt materials used:
Quilt Pattern: Star Pop quilt pattern by Quilty Love
Fabrics: Assorted fat quarters from my stash
Star fabric: Peppered Cotton shot cotton
Binding: Ruby Star Society speckled fabric
Backing: Shannon Cuddle Minky in Wide
Pieced and quilted on my Janome MC6700P