This summer I’ll be hosting a nice and slow scrappy sew along using Quilty Stars!

Follow along on Instagram under the hashtag: #QuiltyStarsQuilt.
If you want to follow along in your inbox, sign up here!
Dates: July 1st – August 25th
The sew along will be for the throw size but feel free to jump in and make a baby size or two
I want to keep this one more casual. Sew ahead, sew behind, it’s all good! I will have a schedule though for those of you who find that helpful.
Week One: Planning, pulling, cutting (optional) and one block
Week Two: 2 blocks
Week Three: 3 blocks
Week Four: 2 blocks
Week Five: 2 blocks
Week Six: Catch up week
Week Seven: 2 blocks
Week Eight: Quilt top assembly
Material requirements:
The Quilty Stars Pattern
Your scrap stash!

Use your scraps, fabric stash, fat quarters, fat eighths, layer cakes or charms for the scrappy friendly quilt!
Choose a solid background or a scrappy background.

Use Prints or solids!

See more photos of the original cover Quilty Stars here.

And see more of the solid baby Quilty Stars here.