Pattern Corrections

Star Pop

This isn’t a correction so much as an improvement. PDF patterns purchased on and after 2/13/2025 have this update.

These new pressing arrows will allow you to flip and rotate blocks and the seams will still nest. The original required you to keep each block in the same upright position to nest.

Pink – A block, Orange – B block

Compass Star

The pattern has you sewing your quarter square triangles to the pretty exact size. If they are coming out too small then upsizing your starting squares and trimming to size is really helpful! If you are doing exact sizing then a scant 1/4″ plus pressing seams open really helps.

  • Upsize the 5.25″ fat quarter squares + the 5.25″ background squares to 5.5″.
  • Upsize the 4-7/8″ squares to 5″.
  • Trim final quarter square triangle unit to 4-1/2″ square. The triangle center point of the square should fall at the 2.25 x 2.25 measurement on your ruler with all of the seams hitting right through the corners.

Heart Gems

Throw size background cutting:
G should say: Cut x2 17in squares from each strip.  (not x4 from each strip) Cutting diagrams show it correctly.

Triangle Hexies

Some paper patterns may not include this line under

**If you can only fit four pieces per strip then cut these strips instead: 

Baby: Cut 14 Strips • Throw: Cut 30 strips • Twin: Cut 53 strips • Queen: Cut 72 strips
There is enough yardage in the throw size. Add 1/8 yard to baby size, add 1/3 yard for twin and 1/2 yard for queen.

Accent fabric material requirements:
Throw and twin sizes are exact. Add additional yardage for miscuts.

Triangle Hexies Quilt Pattern
Update:  08/15/2016  (Only need update if purchased before this date)
Template 4 measurement was 7 inches rather than the required 8 inches.
Download a new template 4 here.

Star Pop II Quilt

This only affects the first print run of the paper patterns. No PDF patterns are affected.

Page two under cutting the fat quarters: remove for half square triangles

Pressing arrows are on page four are misprinted. Should be:

Scrappy Hearts Quilt

Updated 1/20/20. Updated the number of fat quarters needed and the number of pieces cut from each fat quarter. The previous cutting directions (and number of fat quarters) did work but did not match the fat quarter cutting diagram. They worked out exactly without any extra fabric but I like to provide more of a buffer in case fat quarters are not sized exactly 18″ x 21″. If you don’t add more fat quarters cut x4 – 3.5 inch strips and x1 – 4 inch strip from each fat quarter. Or follow the cutting diagram but add 3 FQ for the throw and 4 FQ for the twin.

This only affects the fat quarter cutting of the throw and twin sizes.

Modern Quilts Block by Block Corrections

Jelly Rings Quilt Pattern
Update: PDF patterns purchased after 06/02/2019 are corrected.

From the background fabric without sashing:
_____Cut x60 2.5in x 4.5in rectangles from the ends you cut off in step 1.
_____Cut x8 2.5in x WOF strips. Subcut into x60 2.5in x 4.5in rectangles for a total of 120.
Background fabric requirements should be 2 2/3 yards

Quilty Hearts Quilt Pattern

Update: 04/01/2019 (Only need this update if your paper pattern says #124 on the cover) PDF patterns were updated shortly after Jan 2019.
Cutting instructions for the 12 5/8in squares should read: Cut each square on the diagonal to create four triangles. (Replaces: Cut each square into four quarters)

Quilty Trees Quilt Pattern

This update is only for the added strip piecing method. (Added November 2020)

The updated strip piecing leaves out the 5.5″ x 10.5″ fabric pieces. So you will need an additional 3/8 yard of background fabric for each size.

Star Fall Quilt Pattern (Updated on April 2021)

King size: Need x5 1 1/4 yards (1 yards only work if your width of fabric is a minimum of 45″.)

New cutting diagram:

Instructions will work if by chance you have 39″ cuts of fabric rather than an exact 36″. The cutting diagram below shows the fabric unfolded.

Or you can leave off the bottom row of the king size for a 100″ x 100″ quilt. Make 5 stars with each fabric instead. Will work with 1 yard cuts. See the cutting diagram below. (Fabric is open)

Double the Plus

King size material requirements:
White fabric: 9 3/8 yards
Grey fabric: 9 3/8 yards