Flying Geese Arrows Quilt

This quilt combines two elements that have been on my to-do quilting list:   Low Volume fabric and Flying Geese arrows ๐Ÿ™‚

First I pulled all of my low volume fabric that I wanted to use.   The low volume became my background.   I went with my favorite colors for the arrows, navys and greens and a little bit of aqua.


The flying geese for this quilt measure 2in x 4in.   So you start with a 2.5in x 4.5in rectangle of the dark color and the low volume background color and two 2.5in squares of both the low volume and the same dark background.  These will make up your arrows.

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This is small baby size quilt so I made 55 arrows and put a 2.5in sashing between arrows and a border made up of 4in squares around the entire quilt.

I quilted this one in my favorite zig zag stitch.   It left this quilt soft and drapey.

Find the zig zag walking foot quilting tutorial here.quiltylove_EmilyDennis-0283

The binding is made up using the same low volume fabric in a scrappy design.quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5345 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5351 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5349 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5481 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5468 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5469 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5476 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5477 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5478 quiltylove_EmilyDennis-5525