Hello quilt alongers! It’s week two of the City tiles quilt along! This week we will start cutting and even making a block or two! I’ve already seen some really great blocks showing up on Instagram.
It was fun to see so many faces this past week Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourselves!
Here we go on Week two….
Cutting and Making
- Make a test block. I highly recommend sewing up a test block before you cut the entire quilt out. You can make a test block using scrap fabrics or even the fabrics you are using. Just cut enough pieces for the one block. There are a lot of pieces in this quilt block so a test block will ensure that you cut everything carefully and properly.
- Cut the rest of the fabrics. And now you can start cutting! If you prefer to cut block by block, go right ahead! For those of you who like cutting all at once, this is your week! Cut all of the pieces and keep them organized and ready to go.
- Make 2 more blocks. Time to start making! Go ahead and make 2 more blocks for a total of 3 this week.
Make a test block
Test blocks are a good idea to test out your visual ideas and to be sure you are cutting correctly! I had to make a test block because I hadn’t made this pattern in a while and needed a refresher of how it goes together.
Chain Piecing
While this quilt block has a lot of parts, it is a really good chain piecing quilt. Chain piecing is when you sew many pieces together without cutting the thread in between pieces. You just keep feeding the next fabrics through your machine one after the other. This saves time and thread.
The City Tiles block goes together in sections. The sections are all identical. Chain piecing those sections will really speed things up.
My progress on the City Tiles Quilt Along
My City Tiles Quilt:
Large Block Version
Center tiles: I’m using mostly Cotton and Steel Bluebird fabrics.
Outlines: All the same in the navy Cotton and Steel Sprinkles
Accent squares: All the same in this SS bluebird fabric
Background: Essex Yarn Dyed Linen in Flax
I cut into all of my blues this week. I’m still undecided if I’ll add contrasting colors to the inside tiles. So for now, all blues are ready
It’s not too late to join!
And if you are kicking yourself for not joining the City Tiles Quilt Along…. do it! We would love to see you on the hashtag Go ahead and RSVP below so you get the weekly e-mails. If you received the first e-mail already then you are good to go.
See you next Monday!
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Official Quilt Along Blog Post
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight