Welcome to week one of the City Tiles Quilt Along!
I am so happy to have you all here and love seeing all of the enthusiasm for this quilt along. It should be a fun one.
Here is how we can all make the most of this quilt along.
- Follow #citytilesqal on Instagram. Search for the hashtag and then hit the blue FOLLOW button. Now the posts will show up in your feed making it easier than ever to engage with each other.
- Be sure to use the hashtag! Use the hashtag on your quilt along posts! We all want to see your progress
That’s it! And as Dan the Man would say Choose Kind.
Let’s get this thing started! (kind of)
- Let’s start this week off with introductions! There are a lot of us quilting together so I’m going to encourage everyone to post an introduction! And….. yes…. post your face! Post a photo of yourself and tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know one another. Don’t forget to use the #citytilesqal hashtag.
- Post your fabric pull. Go ahead and post the fabrics you are planning to use. If you are having a hard time deciding ask for help! Maybe we can give some suggestions. I’ll cover more of this below.
- Use the coloring pages provided via the e-mail if you need help planning.
- Order up any fabrics you still need so they are here for cutting next week.
- Grab the pattern if you don’t have it already. You will need the pattern for this quilt along.
Plan out your City Tiles Quilt
So there are a few decisions to make with this quilt. I think that’s why a lot of you have this pattern already but haven’t made it yet! I’ll try to break it down in a way that makes it easier. And there’s no shame in finding one you love and copying that! Just give a shout out to the original when you do
- The first decision is whether to do the large block version or the small block version of this quilt. Both sizes are a nice generous throw size. Decide if you like the small blocks or large blocks better.
- Scrappy or Non Scrappy? The cover quilt is non scrappy. The scrappy version is the easiest to plan fabric for because you only need 16 fat quarters total + background fabric for the large block version.
- Next, decide if you will include the corner squares or not. I know several participants are doing the large block version with out this added accent square. If you are doing the small block version, decide if you will include them or not.
Choosing fabrics
- Choose the inside tile fabric first. It will be easiest to choose the main event fabric and then work from there.
Large block: Use Fat Eighths or Fat Quarters
Small block: Use jelly roll strips, layer cakes, fat eighths or fat quarters - Next, choose the tile outlines. Will you go bold? Will you go white? Will you go grey? Do you want them to be a variety of patterns in the same color (like the cover quilt)? Will you use the same solid? The same print?
- Choose the corner squares fabric. Do you want a bold square? A subtle square? The pattern has you choosing one fabric for this accent.
- Last, choose the background fabric. This hopefully will be one of the easier choices. Most of us will choose a solid of some sort. Bright white? A darker option? Linen? Grey?I’m using Robert Kaufman Yarn Dyed Essex Linen for my background. Another favorite option is Kona White or Kona Silver (cool grey). (or use Kona Ash for a warmer grey).
Easy Peasy right
Here are a few sketches of different variations of the City Tiles quilt that you might consider. Maybe one of these will inspire you. If not they were fun to create
- Use classics like white for borders and linen or linen colors for accents.
- Lighten up the accent and keep it subtle.
- Keep the outlines and accent the same with classic white. This is a go-to for me with the kona silver background and white accents.
- White background fabric with a linen outline and a darker accent.
- White background, light outlines and more defined accent.
- Classic white background, linen outline and a fun accent color.
- Classic white background and linen outlines. No accent.
- Bold and modern with white background, linen outlines and black accent.
- White background, matching linen outlines and accent.
- Colored background. White outline and accent.
- Colored background, white outlines and linen accents.
- Modern white background, dark outlines and subtle softer accent color.
If you are having trouble deciding, my go to for any type of accent is Essex Linen. Consider either the outside rings as a darker linen or the accent square as a linen.
My progress
My City Tiles Quilt:
Large Block Version
Center tiles: I’m using mostly Cotton and Steel Bluebird fabrics.
Outlines: All the same in the navy Cotton and Steel Sprinkles
Accent squares: All the same in this SS bluebird fabric
Background: Essex Yarn Dyed Linen in Flax
I’m feeling kind of boring by repeating my original quilt but I have all of the fabric in my stash and really did love that quilt. I gave it to my dad a while back it’s not like it’s sitting around my house anymore.
I’m still undecided in what color to mix with my Cotton and Steel blues. Yellows, greens or pinks like I did originally. I’m sure I won’t actually decide until I make up a few blocks. I just can’t SEE anything until it’s actually made. Or I’ll just keep it all blues with no contrast. We shall see!
So this week we are easing into this thing! Finalize those fabric choices, order up anything you still need and introduce yourself on the hashtag.
It’s not too late to join!
And if you are kicking yourself for not joining along…. do it! We would love to see you on the hashtag Go ahead and RSVP below so you get the weekly e-mails. If you received the first e-mail already then you are good to go.
See you next Monday!
Want to join the quilt along? Sign up below:
Official Quilt Along Blog Post
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight