City Tiles Quilt Along – Week Five

City Tiles Quilt along

Welcome to week five of the City Tiles Quilt Along!

It’s week five out of eight this week for the City tiles quilt along!  We are cruising right along πŸ™‚  If you feel like you are falling behind a bit, don’t you worry!  Next week is actually a catch up week so set aside some time over the next week or two and get those blocks done.

Going through the hashtag every morning has become my new ritual.  I love seeing the progress you guys are making on this quilt.  And I’m loving all the beautiful and unique versions out there.

Take some time to go through the hashtag when you get a chance and see what everyone else is up to! I love how active this hashtag is staying πŸ™‚

Be sure to browse through the quilt along posts!

Here we go on Week five….


Making Blocks

  1. Large Block Version: Make 3 blocks. This week we will be making three blocks for a total of twelve.
  2. Small block Version: Make 6 blocks. If you are making the small block version, make six blocks this week for a total of 21.
  3. Post on Instagram: If you aren’t quilting, you are ______.  Besides quilting, what other activities do you enjoy?


My progress on the City Tiles Quilt Along

My City Tiles Quilt:
Large Block Version

Center tiles: I’m using mostly Cotton and Steel Bluebird fabrics.
Outlines: All the same in the navy Cotton and Steel Sprinkles
Accent squares: All the same in this SS bluebird fabric
Background: Essex Yarn Dyed Linen in Flax

I’m up to 10 blocks as of right now.  So that means I’ll be making two more during the week.  I’ve saved the directional fabrics for last πŸ˜‰


City Tiles quilt along


From the hashtag last week:


πŸ”²9βƒ£β˜‘ of the week 4⃣ of the #citytilesqal ❀

A post shared by melinda ( on

#citytilesqal in favorite blue

A post shared by Barb (@blockandborder) on


Jump in anytime!

And if you are kicking yourself for not joining the City Tiles Quilt Along…. do it! We would love to see you on the hashtag πŸ™‚ Go ahead and RSVP below so you get the weekly e-mails.

See you next Monday!
Want to join the quilt along? Sign up below:

RSVP for the Quilt along


Official Quilt Along Blog Post
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight